Rising inequality and discrimination are depriving people of their basic needs Together, we can change this

How your donation will help Oxfam India:

  • We ensure access to proper education for every child, especially girl children, so they can pull themselves out of poverty.
  • We ensure access to good quality healthcare for each person, irrespective of their social or economic background.
  • We respond to natural disasters such as floods and cyclones by providing immediate life-saving material, access to clean water and sanitation, and help people rebuild their lives.
  • We work with communities and policy makers to help find solutions to end discrimination, so that every person can realise their rights.

how donors like you brought change

In 2019-20 Oxfam India reached out to 32.31 lakh people

Discrimination in India

Millions of people in India face discrimination on the basis of their gender, caste and economic backgrounds. These interwoven and complex inequalities further divide our societies and make the voices of millions go unheard. Unequal societies tend to have higher levels of inequality and poverty.

We are here to beat discrimination and inequality. We believe in creating a society where people are not forced to fight for their right to life and security, to be heard, right to education, health, shelter, food and water. All lives are equal, and no one should face discrimination in realizing their rights. We believe the time to act is now.

Oxfam India believes in the power of people. We work with communities, local partners and supporters to fight discrimination. Donate to educate a child, for healthcare, and build a better world.

Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

80G Tax Benefits

Your contributions are eligible for up to 50% tax benefit under section 80G

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